Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seats Placed In Balcony

Movers were busy on Tuesday uploading chairs with a scissor lift onto the balcony. The seats will be bolted into place soon. The chairs were acquired from the Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, about two years ago when that theatre underwent a 'face lift'. The chairs were stored compliments of the Camrose Canadian for all of this time. Contact us if you would like to purchase a seat or two in this choice location, as there are still a few left. Photo by D. Roth.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Restoration Speeds Up

Our drywall expert puts some final touches on the ceiling under the balcony. Mudding and sanding is being completed in preparation for the painters who will paint the lobby and walls wherever gyproc has been installed on the main floor. They will work their way throughout the Bistro area, and on to the basement to transform the many rooms in the fully developed lower level. Things are really speeding up as we move toward opening day. Stay tuned for photos of the painting phase, which will show a major transformation. Photo by David Roth.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bistro Area Evolves

The Bistro area continues to evolve. This photo shows us the air handling ducts are being tucked in above the ceilings and will soon be concealed by the suspended ceilings in the lobby and Bistro. All the Gyproc walls are up, taped, and sanded awaiting the first coats of paint. Photos thanks to David Roth.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Curved Ceiling Over Bar

Workers recently put Gyproc on the curved ceiling above the bar in the bistro area. Stay tuned for updates on this. Photo by David Roth.