Thursday, September 30, 2010

Auditorium Floor Renewal

The auditorium has been given some serious attention these days. The old damaged 100 year old fir flooring has been torn out, leveled, and replaced with T&G plywood which has been screwed and glued in place in preparation for new flooring. The replacing floor will be 1 x 4 T & G fir flooring in keeping with the theme of days gone by. Watch for updates of the auditorium. Photo courtesy of David Roth.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back End Gets Attention

The back of the Bailey Theatre has received its first layer of stucco, shown in this photos. More attention is being given to the outside of the building, as insulation is applied all around in preparation for more stuccoing. (Recycle bins will eventually replace the port-a-potty.) Photo, courtesy of David Roth.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Volunteers Busy

Volunteers were busy at The Bailey onLabour Day weekend. The balcony was scrubbed on Saturday, primed on Sunday, and painted on Monday. Pictured in the top left photo are Dan Olofson, (at 12 o'clock) Ross Shuman (standing), Sheila Viegas, (kneeling) and Carole-May Coty. Bottom photo shows the completed paint job preparing the way for the seats to be installed. Photos taken by David Roth who also scrubbed and painted each of the days.