Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Theatre Rigging Equipment Arrives

Having unloaded the theatre rigging equipment from the semi-trailer, the installation team starts loading the equipment into the Theatre. There are 16 motorized units to be installed plus the fire curtain on the stage. Photo by David Roth.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rehearsal Hall Floor

The new gypcrete floor in the rehearsal hall has been poured and is drying out to get ready for the new sports floor finish. Photo D. Roth

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Underside of Balcony Painted

You saw the posting of the underside of the balcony when it was being drywalled a few weeks ago. This photo shows the underside of the balcony with its first finish coat of deep red paint. It looks lighter than it really is because of the camera flash. The walls will soon be repainted to an authentic historic colour scheme. Photo by D. Roth.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Power Cables - Very Impressive

These cables will provide power to the dimmers that operate all the stage lighting at The Bailey Theatre. To get a sense of the actual diameter of these cables, make a 3" circle with your thumbs & forefingers and you can better tell the magnitude of the cables. Phone courtesy of D. Roth.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bailey Board at Paul Moulton Seminar

The Bailey Theatre Society Board of Directors attended an enlightening seminar with expert consultant Paul Moulton of Edmonton. Paul shared much of his expertise on topics such as theatre operations, fund raising, pledges, and volunteers, to name a few. Paul also provided sample contracts and gave many other helpful tips including janitorial issues, security issues, theatre openings, branding, and suggestions on what to publish in programs to acknowledge sponsors. This was a very full day to say the least. Many thanks to Paul for sharing his knowledge!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stage Area Progresses

Metal scaffolding has been installed on the stage in order for the painters to sand and paint the drywalled ceiling in the stage area. As well, a metal beam which will hold the fire curtain has been installed just inside the front of the stage. Photo by D. Roth.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seats Placed In Balcony

Movers were busy on Tuesday uploading chairs with a scissor lift onto the balcony. The seats will be bolted into place soon. The chairs were acquired from the Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, about two years ago when that theatre underwent a 'face lift'. The chairs were stored compliments of the Camrose Canadian for all of this time. Contact us if you would like to purchase a seat or two in this choice location, as there are still a few left. Photo by D. Roth.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Restoration Speeds Up

Our drywall expert puts some final touches on the ceiling under the balcony. Mudding and sanding is being completed in preparation for the painters who will paint the lobby and walls wherever gyproc has been installed on the main floor. They will work their way throughout the Bistro area, and on to the basement to transform the many rooms in the fully developed lower level. Things are really speeding up as we move toward opening day. Stay tuned for photos of the painting phase, which will show a major transformation. Photo by David Roth.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bistro Area Evolves

The Bistro area continues to evolve. This photo shows us the air handling ducts are being tucked in above the ceilings and will soon be concealed by the suspended ceilings in the lobby and Bistro. All the Gyproc walls are up, taped, and sanded awaiting the first coats of paint. Photos thanks to David Roth.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Curved Ceiling Over Bar

Workers recently put Gyproc on the curved ceiling above the bar in the bistro area. Stay tuned for updates on this. Photo by David Roth.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Auditorium Floor Renewal

The auditorium has been given some serious attention these days. The old damaged 100 year old fir flooring has been torn out, leveled, and replaced with T&G plywood which has been screwed and glued in place in preparation for new flooring. The replacing floor will be 1 x 4 T & G fir flooring in keeping with the theme of days gone by. Watch for updates of the auditorium. Photo courtesy of David Roth.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back End Gets Attention

The back of the Bailey Theatre has received its first layer of stucco, shown in this photos. More attention is being given to the outside of the building, as insulation is applied all around in preparation for more stuccoing. (Recycle bins will eventually replace the port-a-potty.) Photo, courtesy of David Roth.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Volunteers Busy

Volunteers were busy at The Bailey onLabour Day weekend. The balcony was scrubbed on Saturday, primed on Sunday, and painted on Monday. Pictured in the top left photo are Dan Olofson, (at 12 o'clock) Ross Shuman (standing), Sheila Viegas, (kneeling) and Carole-May Coty. Bottom photo shows the completed paint job preparing the way for the seats to be installed. Photos taken by David Roth who also scrubbed and painted each of the days.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Underside of Balcony

Workers shown here are placing gyproc on the underside of the balcony. Many Camroseans have fond memories of the balcony and plenty of stories about balcony experiences too. More photos of the balcony coming soon. Photo courtesy of David Roth.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Metal Panels

Some metal panels in the main auditorium have been place by this worker to cover some of the electrical wiring. These original pressed metal panels are very impressive and exude character in the 100 year old Bailey Theatre.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Stairway to Balcony

Seen in this photo are Trevor Harmider and John Rosland drywalling the entrance to the stairway to heaven, oops that is, the stairway to the Bailey Theatre's balcony. There are two stairways which are curved, lending to an elegant climb to the upper level. Photo courtesy of David Roth.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Visitors From Kamifurano, Japan

The Town of Kamifurano and The City of Camrose celebrated 25 years of partnership in Camrose on Wednesday, August 5th. The 32 Japanese delegates were given a tour of The Bailey Theatre as one of the many highlights for the visitors. Photo courtesy of David Roth.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lobby Ceiling Evolves

The top right corner of this photo shows that the drywalling has been placed in preparation for the ceiling's spectacular light fixture that will be installed in the Bailey's lobby. More on this as work progresses.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Necessary Items

These 'priceless' transformers located in the mechanical room in the theatre's basement, are very much a necessary part of the Bailey's restoration. They will perform in immeasurable ways for all things electrical. Many thousands of dollars went into these necessary items.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Working In The Lobby

Workers are seen here busily dry-walling the lobby ceiling and walls at the Bailey Theatre. Can't wait to see the proposed round light fixture in that drop ceiling when it is installed.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Entertainment At Recent Unveiling

Some preamble to the Bailey's facade unveiling included this lovely tap dancer who entertained the surrounding crowd who waited patiently for the dropping of the Tyvek cover. About Time Productions presented a program of song and dance on stage in front of Bailey's next door neighbour, Martha's Music.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Socializing, Tours, and Popcorn

An evening of socializing, tours, and popcorn took place a few days before the June 6th unveiling of the Bailey Theatre's facade. Pictured here is Bailey Theatre Society's present Dan Olofson passing a beverage to musician Dennis Gustafson. Photo compliments of Sean Maskaluk, S & L Photography.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bailey Theatre at Dusk

See how striking the new Bailey Theatre marquee appears lit up at night. This photo was take by Sean Macaluk after the unveiling of the new facade June 4th.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Usherette Extraordinaire!

A little nostalgia was presented by usherette extraordinaire Patricia Fielding at the recent unveiling of the Bailey Theatre's new facade during Jaywalkers Jamboree, June 4th & 5th in downtown Camrose. As you can see behind Patricia, a booth was set up to sell Light Up The Bailey T-Shirts in front of the Bailey, which was both lucrative and great fun. Patricia had a large crew of volunteers on hand to help with this fund raising event, which was a great success. Thanks to Patricia and her wonderful volunteers!

Much Excitement !

There was much excitement in downtown Camrose on June 4th when the front of the Bailey was finally unveiled, revealing the impressive facade and marquee complete with glistening black glass frontage. This picture shows Bailey's Architectural adviser David Roth in the foreground, just after the Teyvek was removed in front of a crowd of onlookers. Many visitors (actually over 2,000) went through the Bailey Theatre on 'sneak a peak' tours during Jaywalkers Jamboree. A host of volunteers answered questions during the 2-day Jaywalkers event, along with selling Light Up The Bailey T-Shirts, the latest fund raising initiative. The event was a huge success in raising funds as well as increasing public awareness about the Bailey restoration project. Many thanks to all those who participated in the Bailey's fund raising activities and to the enthusiastic, tireless volunteers. Well done!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Volunteers Give Facelift

Several volunteers showed up to work on painting parts of the Bailey's entrance on Victoria Day weekend. This was in preparation for the 'Light Up The Bailey' event during Jaywalkers Jamboree June 4th & 5th that the fund raising committee has orchestrated. Shown here is a shot of one of the doors painted its original colour which enhances the unique curved detail. You don't see many like this around these days but you will when you visit the Bailey in downtown Camrose Alberta.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fundraising T-Shirts at Jaywalkers

Pictured here is the front and back of the T-Shirts that will be on sale during Jaywalkers Jamboree, June 4 & 5 as an exciting fund raising project. Volunteers will be serving you at tables set up in front of the Bailey Theatre on Main Street in Camrose. Drop by for some popcorn, a friendly chat, and take a tour to see how the restoration is progressing. You'll be impressed!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Easy Does It

This shot shows the expertise that went with placing the historic Bailey Theatre's new canopy. Lots of onlookers enjoyed the precision of this undertaking. The original canopy and marquee were originally built in the early 1930's.

New Marquee For The Bailey

An exciting day in downtown Camrose saw another huge crane put the Bailey Theatre's new canopy into place. The canopy was built and installed by Blanchett Neon of Edmonton, who took great delight in this project because there isn't much call for working on historic signs anymore. Windwood Signs of Camrose did a mighty fine job of the lettering. There will be an unveiling of the new facade close to or during Jaywalkers Jamboree weekend, which will be held June 4 & 5. Watch for it and enjoy the new look on Main Street.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Replacing Entrance Concrete

The missing concrete at the front entrance is put in place by the crew of Read Contracting Ltd.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

An Unusual View

"On a clear day you can see"....
On this clear day Camroseans could see this gigantic crane from miles away! It was on site to install the second roof top air handling unit that will service the auditorium and stage. This view was captured by David Roth, Bailey's architectural adviser, as it was raised up to the roof of the Bailey Theatre annex addition.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Preview of Marquee

Although a sneak preview, shown here is the new marquee currently being reconstructed by Blanchett Neon of Edmonton. The marquee is expected to be installed the last week of April, 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Preparing Front Lobby

Dave Borgel removes the old floor of front lobby so that the new plywood sub-flooring can be installed.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Preping Atop

Workers apply the exterior air barrier and flashing upstairs on the Bailey in preparation for insulation and stucco.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Closing In

The drywalling is continuing inside the Bailey. This installer is hard at work with the caulking gun. A tour of the Theatre restoration site reveals major transformation. Where once one could see through the partitioned 2x4 walls and open spaces, now the rooms are actually being defined. A thrill to see such progression.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Site's Electrical Foreman

The Bailey's restoration site's electrical foreman, Dave Mergle, peruses schematics to keeping all things electric on track in his effort to 'enlighten' us. Nice office, Dave.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bailey's Evolution Continues

Pictured here is a shot of the Bailey's facade showing the black glass panels, aluminum windows, and new stuccoing. The facade is almost complete. Watch for the unveiling soon to take place.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Up On The Roof

(Someone should write a song about that.)
Lots going on inside and lots going on outside at the Bailey. Pictured here, the Bailey Theatre's roof top, where the roof above the addition is being finalized to receive the roof top air handling units and the transformers for the stage lighting.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Drywall Is Up

Last week the insulation was installed, now the drywalling is well underway. Watch for further transformation of this women's dressing room and many others rooms in the Bailey. Dee-Jay Mechanical guys measure up for ducts.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mechanical Room - A Work In Progress

One of our technicians prepares copper piping in the Bailey's Mechanical Room. Restoration moves forward at a brisk pace.

Hard At Work

One of our very important workers is pictured here hard at work installing insulation. Visit this blog soon to view the next steps in transforming this and other rooms in the Bailey. Things are moving fast!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Enthusiastic Fundraisers Given Tour

These enthusiastic fundraising volunteers sip coffee while listening to some logistics and restoration history of the Bailey Theatre being provided by Architect, David Roth, before embarking on a tour through the construction site. These fundraising volunteers will be encouraging donations from Camrose businesses and the poplulaiton in general in order to raise the funds necessary to equip the the Bailey with interior furnishings, sound system, and many other items needed to complete the project before its opening.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pausing a Moment for Photo Op

One of the full time electrical technicians takes a moment to pose for this photo. Many technicians are hard at work every day in an effort to meet restoration schedules.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sneak Peek

This photo is a sneak peak at the new stucco facade being applied on the south side of the pylon at the front of the Bailey Theatre. The unveiling will no doubt be spectacular!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Special Visitors Tour Site

Wednesday, February 3rd the Bailey Theatre restoration site was the venue for representatives of Industry Canada from Winnipeg and Edmonton along with Jason Heise, Immediate Past President of the Camrose Chamber of Commerce along with Hon. Kevin Sorenson, MP Crowfoot (not shown) who joined the group for a tour of the Bailey Theatre currently under construction.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Years Eve Extravaganza

The New Years Eve Extravaganza fundraiser for the Bailey was a great success. It was truly a gala affair complete with dinner, dancing, noise-makers, and champagne at midnight to mark the ringing in of the new year dancing to the ever popular Xtatix Big Band. Over 260 people attended which raised approximately $11,000 for the Bailey restoration. A hearty THANK YOU to the many volunteers and sponsors who help make this a grand success!!!